RICS Party Wall Surveys
The Party Wall Act 1996 covers three distinct types of work, alterations to a shared (party) wall, the construction of new walls on the boundary and excavation work close to neighbouring properties.
The Party Wall Award also referred to as a Party Wall Agreement is a legal document prepared by the two appointed Party Wall Surveyors or the Agreed Party Wall Surveyor.
We are regulated by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and are members of the Institute of Party Wall Surveyors. We therefore work to the highest standards and you can be rest assured of the best party wall advice from a leading established firm.

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RICS Party Wall Survey

Our RICS party Wall Survey Survey is our most comprehensive:
- Reviewing all of building owner’s plans, structural designs and drawings.
- Visiting the adjoining owner’s property in advance of the Party Wall works commencing to undertake a photographic schedule and detailed written Schedule of Condition Report. This thorough report then acts as a record in the event of damage or issue.
- Putting in place any protection statements covering the adjoining owner’s property that the building owner’s contractor or workmen will then adhere to during the course of the Party Wall works.
- Dealing with issues such as the contractor’s working hours, noisy works, access and nuisance.
- Agreeing a Party Wall Award, which is a legal document protecting the adjoining owner’s property against any damage. A Party Wall Award is often referred to as a Party Wall Agreement.
- Visiting the adjoining owner’s property before, during and after the construction works to ensure the Party Wall Award is being adhered to while also ensuring the adjoining owner is fully protected.
RICS Party Wall Survey, A Surveyors Perspective
You must tell your neighbours if you want to carry out any building work near or on your shared property boundary, or ‘party wall’, in England and Wales.
Party walls stand on the land of 2 or more owners and either; form part of a building or don’t form part of a building, such as a garden wall (not wooden fences)
Walls on one owner’s land used by other owners (2 or more) to separate their buildings are also party walls.
You must appoint a surveyor if you and your neighbour can’t agree. You can appoint a surveyor together or each appoint your own. The surveyors will then agree on a ‘party wall award’. We will establish what work should happen, how and when it will be carried out, who will pay for which part and how much will be paid (including surveyor’s fees).
Robin Wells BSc (Hons) MA MRICS
Speak to us today on the subject of partywall surveys and we can provide you with professional advice in order to generate the best outcome.

RICS Party Wall Survey Library
If you would like more information about a Party Wall and the RICS, please download the example report and guide to home surveys.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to answer your questions.
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