Help to Buy Valuation £199 inc. VAT
Booking for - February 18, 2025*
*subject to availability
The Target Government Help to Buy scheme has helped thousands of people to buy their home by offering a contribution towards the initial purchase. This means that they continue to own a percentage of your home. You may decide that you wish to buy back some, or all of the Help to Buy share of your home. If you do, you will need a RICS Help to Buy Survey (otherwise known as a Help to Buy valuation Report).
We have made it really easy to get a Target Help to Buy Valuation Report. Simply follow these steps and we can get a surveyor to attend your property and produce a report for you to give to your Help to Buy agent and Target. Incidentally, all of our reports come with a ‘money back guarantee‘ to be accepted by Target
Do you have a shared ownership home? Click here to view our shared ownership valuation page.
It’s really important that you get the right company to perform this for you as the wrong valuation could cost you thousands of pounds. Our job is to give you an accurate Help to Buy Valuation Report which can be presented to Target HCA.
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Booking for - Tuesday
Book your Target Help to Buy Survey today using the below form and secure payment. Once you have paid, we will be in touch to arrange a suitable date to attend your property.
If you have any issue booking, please contact us for assistance.
Reports for people who are looking to repay some, or all of their Help to Buy equity loan.

A Target Help to Buy Valuation Report is a complicated document that we prepare for you.
- The Valuer must be registered with the recognised qualification of RICS.
- The Valuer must be independent to an Estate Agent.
- The report must be on headed paper, signed by the RICS surveyor and addressed to Target HCA.
- The Valuer MUST provide at least 3 comparable properties and sale prices.
- The comparables provided must be like for like in terms of property type, size, and age and within a 2 mile radius to the property that is being inspected.
- The Valuer must not be related or known to client.
- A copy of the valuation report must be supplied to Target at the following address via postal service - Target HCA, PO Box 911, Newport, NP20 9PA
- A copy of the valuation report must also be supplied to the client.
We Have Years of Experience In Producing High Quality RICS Help To Buy Valuations.
We love helping people and that’s why there is no question too big or too small. Of course, your mortgage provider or financial adviser will be helping you with the details surrounding remortgaging. Alternatively, you may have only spoken to Help to Buy or Target.
Whilst our job is to provide you with an accurate valuation, we can also help you with any questions relating to redeeming or staircasing your Help to Buy Mortgage.
If you have any questions, please email or you can contact us at any time for more information
It’s very similar to a mortgage valuation where come and visit your home before using our local market knowledge to put a value on your property. We will reasearch the values of similar property and take into account market conditions.
We like to visit Help to Buy valuations within 2 working days and sometimes sooner dependent on location and availability. The report itself will take no more than 30 minutes and we send you a copy within 48 hours.
Remember it is only valid for 3 months. After that, we will need to reconfirm the valuation and if after 6 months we may need to perform a new report. Also, the longer you leave it, your property may go up in value which will mean that your Help to Buy valuation will be higher.
Once you have successfully submitted a valid Help to Buy valuation report you will receive an estimated repayment quote. This will include details of any arrears and your daily interest payment rate to allow your solicitor to calculate an accurate final repayment sum.
Here is a handy guide from Target which explains everything.
All of our RICS Surveyors like a cup of Tea or Coffee. I’m sure they would all be very grateful to be asked that question! On a serious note, we are a friendly bunch that love helping people, we take an invitation into your home as a great honour.
Help to Buy Valuation Report, A Surveyors Perspective
When you bought your home, you had a valuation carried out by the mortgage lender to ensure that the property was worth what the developer was selling it for. The mortgage lender wanted to be 100% sure that the value was correct which is why they instructed a RICS surveyor.
My job is to make sure that we get a 100% accurate valuation for your property so that when Target Help to Buy calculate what you owe them, it is the correct amount. I take time to understand the true value of your property and do not simply work off what you paid for it.
Robin Wells BSc (Hons) MA MRICS
Make sure your Help to Buy valuation is accurate by appointing fpsurveying to come out and see you.

Help to Buy Valuation - Book Your Valuation Online For Just £199
When it comes to paying back your equity loan you have two options; Full Redemption, paying your equity loan back in full with or without selling your property or Partial Redemption also known as Staircasing, where you pay back part of your equity loan without selling your property.
For details on the full process and documentation needed for both options please read the Target HCA Customer Information Pack.
Redeem when you sell
If you sell the property against which your loan is secured, you will need to repay your loan in full. This is also known as loan redemption.
The repayment amount you will be required to pay is calculated as a proportion (percentage) of either the current market value or the agreed sale price of your home (whichever is higher).
- You will need a Target Help to Buy Valuation Report.
Redeem without selling
In this scenario you will be looking to repay (redeem) your loan in full without taking out another loan secured on your property. The repayment amount you will be required to pay is calculated as a proportion (percentage) of the current market value.
- You will need a Target Help to Buy Valuation Report.
Staircasing with another loan
In this scenario you will be looking to repay (redeem) your loan in part by taking out another loan secured on your property with another lender.
- You will need a Target Help to Buy Valuation Report.
Staircasing without a loan
In this scenario you will be looking to repay (redeem) your loan in part without taking out another loan secured on your property.
- You will need a Target Help to Buy Valuation Report.
If you are unsure if you need a Help to Buy Valuation Report you can speak to the Target HCA Customer Service Team on 0345 848 0235 or you can email them at You can also download a customer information pack here.