Help to Buy Valuation

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Help to Buy Valuation Booking

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Booking for - March 31, 2025*

How to repay your Help to Buy loan.

It is vital that you follow the correct procedure when you wish to repay or part repay your Help to Buy loan. It is recommended that you choose an experienced Surveyor and Mortgage adviser.

Homes England recommends that you get your valuation first, as without this, you will not know how much you need to borrow or to sell for.

The surveyor must:

  • be both RICS qualified and registered
  • be independent of any estate agent
  • not be related or known to you
  • inspect the inside of the property
  • provide at least 3 comparable properties and sale prices

Now is the time to talk to and independent mortgage adviser who understands this process. We recommend our sister company FP Mortgages and if you quote SURVEY23 they will not charge you for their advice (normally £499).

You can repay all or some of your equity loan at any time. You can make part payments of at least 10% of the full repayment amount, based on what your home is worth at the time, to reduce how much you owe.

You must instruct a solicitor to carry out the various legal processes that are required.

You can find a solicitor on the Law Society’s website.

Complete and return the application form to our Customer Service team at

You must provide your solicitor’s contact details and give the solicitor authority to act on your behalf.

Your application cannot progress until you have:

  • sent them the valuation report
  • paid the administration fee and any arrears
  • completed and sent them the application form

You’ll need to pay an administration fee of £200 when you apply to repay your equity loan.

You’ll also have to clear any arrears or outstanding payments before you apply.

If you cannot clear your arrears, you may be able to:

  • continue to apply if you agree to a payment plan
  • clear the arrears at the same time you repay your equity loan

Your conveyancing solicitor will need to confirm that this is possible.

How to pay

You can pay our administrator by:

  • online bank transfer
  • debit or credit card by calling 0300 123 4123
  • cheque

You must tell us if you pay online. Email or call the number above to confirm.

Our Customer Service team is available 8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday and 9am to 1pm on Saturday (excluding UK public holidays).

Payment details

Bank name: Lloyds Bank PLC


Sort code: 30-80-12

Account number: 24501860

Reference: Your customer reference number or first line of your address and postcode.

We’ll send you and your solicitor a redemption (repayment) letter after you’ve sent us:

  • the RICS valuation report
  • your completed application form
  • the administration fee

The letter will confirm:

  • that you can repay your equity loan
  • the percentage of equity loan you took out
  • how much your repayment amounts will be, based on the valuation report

The repayment amount will include any outstanding interest, fees, and arrears.

We’ll send your solicitor a list of items they need to put into a ‘legal undertaking’. This is a legal agreement formalised in paperwork.

If the completion date on the undertaking is delayed by more than a week, we may need to create a new undertaking and repayment amount.

If you’re repaying all your equity loan, we will not be able to send you an ‘Authority to Complete’ (a form giving our permission) until you’ve repaid everything you owe. This includes any interest, fees, charges and arrears.

If the amount you repay is less than the total you owe, our Customer Service team can discuss setting up a payment plan. If they do this, they can then grant the ‘Authority to Complete’.

Our administrator will send the ‘Authority to Complete’ within 5 days of receiving the legal undertaking from your conveyancing solicitor (or when a payment plan has been agreed).

This means you can repay your equity loan and complete the repayment process.

The Homes England Help to Buy scheme has helped thousands of people to buy their home by offering a contribution towards the initial purchase. This means that they continue to own a percentage of your home. You may decide that you wish to buy back some, or all of the Help to Buy share of your home. If you do, you will need a RICS Help to Buy Survey (otherwise known as a Help to Buy valuation Report).

We have made it really easy to get a Help to Buy Valuation Report. Simply follow these steps and we can get a surveyor to attend your property and produce a report for you to give to your Help to Buy agent and Target. Incidentally, all of our reports come with a ‘money back guarantee‘ to be accepted by Homes England.

Do you have a shared ownership home? Click here to view our shared ownership valuation page.

It’s really important that you get the right company to perform this for you as the wrong valuation could cost you thousands of pounds. Our job is to give you an accurate Help to Buy Valuation Report which can be presented to Homes England.

We Have Years of Experience In Producing High Quality RICS Help To Buy Valuations.

We love helping people and that’s why there is no question too big or too small. Of course, your mortgage provider or financial adviser will be helping you with the details surrounding remortgaging. Alternatively, you may have only spoken to Help to Buy or Homes England.

Whilst our job is to provide you with an accurate valuation, we can also help you with any questions relating to redeeming or staircasing your Help to Buy Mortgage.

If you have any questions, please email or you can contact us at any time for more information

It’s very similar to a mortgage valuation where come and visit your home before using our local market knowledge to put a value on your property. We will reasearch the values of similar property and take into account market conditions.

We like to visit Help to Buy valuations within 2 working days and sometimes sooner dependent on location and availability. The report itself will take no more than 30 minutes and we send you a copy within 48 hours.

Remember it is only valid for 3 months. After that, we will need to reconfirm the valuation and if after 6 months we may need to perform a new report. Also, the longer you leave it, your property may go up in value which will mean that your Help to Buy valuation will be higher.

Once you have successfully submitted a valid Help to Buy valuation report you will receive an estimated repayment quote. This will include details of any arrears and your daily interest payment rate to allow your solicitor to calculate an accurate final repayment sum.

Here is a handy guide from Target which explains everything.

All of our RICS Surveyors like a cup of Tea or Coffee. I’m sure they would all be very grateful to be asked that question! On a serious note, we are a friendly bunch that love helping people, we take an invitation into your home as a great honour.

Help to Buy Valuation Report, A Surveyors Perspective

When you bought your home, you had a valuation carried out by the mortgage lender to ensure that the property was worth what the developer was selling it for. The mortgage lender wanted to be 100% sure that the value was correct which is why they instructed a RICS surveyor.

My job is to make sure that we get a 100% accurate valuation for your property so that when Help to Buy calculate what you owe them, it is the correct amount. I take time to understand the true value of your property and do not simply work off what you paid for it.

Make sure your Help to Buy valuation is accurate by appointing fpsurveying to come out and see you. 

Help to Buy Valuation

Help to Buy Valuation - Book Your Valuation Online For Just £199 inc.VAT

When it comes to paying back your equity loan you have two options; Full Redemption, paying your equity loan back in full with or without selling your property or Partial Redemption also known as Staircasing, where you pay back part of your equity loan without selling your property.

For details on the full process and documentation needed for both options please read the HCA Customer Information Pack.

Selling your home

If you sell the property, you will need to repay your Help to Buy loan in full. 

The repayment amount you will be calculated as a percentage of either the current market value or the agreed sale price of your home (whichever is higher).

Repaying but not moving

This is where you decide to fully repay your help to Buy loan without moving. 

The repayment amount you will be calculated as a percentage of the current market value which will be determined by your chosen RICS qualified Chartered Surveyor example; FP Surveying.

Part repaying but not moving

This is where you decide to part repay your help to Buy loan without moving. 

The repayment amount will be calculated as a percentage of the current market value, which will be determined by your chosen RICS-qualified Chartered Surveyor for example; FP Surveying.


Good news, you do not need a Help to Buy valuation!

As long as you are not intending to borrow more, all you need to do is complete a form and submit your mortgage statement. You will also have to pay £115 to Homes England.

Remortgaging (same lender)

Good news, you do not need a Help to Buy valuation!

If you’re staying with your current lender to remortgage without borrowing more on your Help to Buy home, you do not have to contact Homes England or request permission.

Finally, eight really good reasons to use a large well established company to do your Help to Buy valuation...

Staying COVID-19 Secure in 2020 We confirm we have complied with the government’s guidance on managing the risk of COVID-19.

Help to buy survey